Daniel Raniz Raneland

Daniel Raniz Raneland


  • You’ve been invited to give the keynote at your dream conference. What’s the title of your talk, and why?

    I’m currently working on a keynote idea about necktie knots and how that ties(!) into software. Other than that, something along the lines of “How taking care of your developers is also great for your bottom line”.

  • How does factor10 make remote/hybrid consulting actually work?

    I have a better setup at home than during 15 years working in an office because that’s important for us. I’ve got a desk wide enough that some companies would probably cram three people onto it, two screens, and any ergonomic peripherals I could wish for.

    We meet at least bi-monthly and spend two days together - one is client work, and the other is usually internal workshops. Annually, we all gather somewhere nice for a few days of internal conferencing and team-building. As always with us, the focus is on quality over quantity.

  • What’s the best feedback you’ve received from a client or teammate?

    “But they’re the only ones who get something done around here!”

    ― A client about me and Jimmy when their purchasing division refused to extend our contract.

  • How has factor10 helped you make a dent in the world?

    I am allowed to speak at as many conferences as I get accepted to. Through this I have reached thousands of developers and met all sorts of interesting people.

  • What made you realize factor10 was the right place for you?

    My colleagues, and the fact that getting time for personal development isn’t just an empty promise. Since we only sell 80 %, we all have 10% of our time to spend on that - the remaining 10 % is for internal operations like sales, recruiting, or other things relating to factor10’s business.

  • Who has a secret talent, and what is it?

    I’m not sure it’s that secret, but Martin is a fantastic storyteller. Combined with his general curiosity and enthusiasm, this makes for very entertaining conversations. It’s never boring when Martin is around!

Skills and interests

  • Master of Science in Software Development from LTH, Faculty of Engineering.

  • In the top 4% on Stack Overflow.

  • In the top 3% active speakers of 2024 at Sessionize.

  • Rust enthusiast.

  • Active triathlete.

  • Worked for Sony Mobile in Tokyo to improve in-house cloud capabilities.

  • Beer brewer and sourdough bread baker.

  • Master thesis: Performance- and Cost-efficient Cloud Architectures.

Daniel Raniz Raneland

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