Martin Hellspong

Martin Hellspong


  • How has working at factor10 challenged your thinking?

    I used to think more things were “impossible”. When I first started, I was so used to making most software design decisions by myself that I often unconsciously limited myself to considering design options I was familiar with, or was certain I could pull off. When I’d discuss project challenges with Jimmy, and say “ideally we’d … but …” he quite often replied “so why don’t you do that?” challenging me to reconsider the “impossibility” of a better solution, especially getting further input and ideas from my colleagues. It is not about finding the perfect solution up-front, it is more about getting feedback in order to move in the direction of “better” most of the time.

  • What’s something about factor10 culture that makes a real difference in your day-to-day?

    Our culture is in a way based on just four words; Excel, Lead, Challenge and Care - we try to let those words guide us in the big and the small. From time to time we renew the discussion about what they mean to us, and I think knowing what they stand for makes it easier to make a lot of those micro-decisions that you need to do constantly.

  • What’s the best feedback you’ve received from a client or teammate?

    I was helping a client for a year and a half, then they wanted the client team to manage without our help. Eight months later, they weren't where they wanted to be, and asked their team what they could do to become more productive. The client team asked if it was possible to get me back on the team. This has happened more than once with me and my colleagues.

  • If you had to sum up what keeps you here in one sentence, what would it be?

    The way it all lines up - factor10 and I care about excelling in software development, my family and I care about quality of life, and factor10 allows me to care about both.

  • Tell us something about a colleague that they’re too humble to say…

    Per has been architect and lead developer for the same client project I think 12 years now, from initial small-scale conception to today's quite successful market-leading b2b cloud service, without any major rewrites, just constant refactorings keeping it up-to-date, while replacing just about everything over time, hosting, storage, UI framework, you name it. I think it is very seldom the case in our industry that consultants are afforded that level of trust from a client for such a long time, but in this case I know the client doesn't see the need to change a winning team.

Skills and interests

  • Ranked Best Developer of 2017 by IDG Techworld Magazine.
  • Team-lead for two different prize-winning projects at Microsoft .Net Awards in Sweden, 2004 and 2005.

  • First developer in Sweden to earn the Microsoft certificate Developing E-Business Solutions Using Microsoft BizTalk Server 2004.

  • Master's degree in Software Engineering (Master of Science in Software Engineering).

  • Once played the saxophone on stage at a full Konserthuset Stockholm.

Martin Hellspong

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