Jimmy Nilsson

Jimmy Nilsson

  • You’ve been invited to give the keynote at your dream conference. What’s the title of your talk, and why?

    “Democracy secured, health and education is improved thanks to better software development in the world. Finally!”

    It would be nice to have it proved, not just as a logical ambition and possibility.

  • What’s something about factor10 culture that makes a real difference in your day-to-day?

    I feel safe and know that my colleagues would always catch me whatever happens to me. They all got my back (and I got theirs). At some companies I’ve heard you have to watch your back, here it’s the opposite.

  • What’s the best feedback you’ve received from a client or teammate?

    A teammate recently said that I was totally fearless when it came to me seeing possibilities for clients and how they could create value for themselves and the world. :)

  • What made you realize factor10 was the right place for you?

    I love being the stupidest in the room! It’s sooo nice to learn new things all the time, hard to beat in my opinion!

  • Tell us something about a colleague that they’re too humble to say…

    Cissi always goes the extra mile to challenge me and her colleagues. Providing examples isn’t doable since this is typically on a deeper and personal level. On the theme of “tech is easy, people are trickier”. :)

  • What are some of the books that inspired you?

    I actually published the article The books that shaped how I think—Jimmy Nilsson here on factor10.com about that!

Skills and interests

Jimmy Nilsson

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