Markus Eliasson

Markus Eliasson


  • How has factor10 changed the way you think about software?

    Using Test-Driven Development in pretty much all situations has been a true game changer for me. It allows me to better tackle complex problems, I produce higher quality software, and it makes me a better team player. I now refer to my years pre-TDD as my dark ages.

  • How do you recharge after a busy day?

    I like to hit the gym and do some weight lifting. Either by myself, with punk-rock blasting in my headphones, or with my teenage daughters, trying to catch up with what is new in their lives.

  • What’s a change you helped a client make that had a disproportionate impact?

    We added a feature to a system that allowed the client to extend its functionality to new market segments using nothing but some rules and definitions in a configuration file. Low development effort while a very high customer value.

  • If you had to sum up what keeps you here in one sentence, what would it be?

    I have great freedom in how I choose to solve my tasks and assignments, both socially and technically - at the same time I am never alone, I can always lean on my colleagues when I need to.

  • Tell us something about a colleague that they’re too humble to say…

    Andreas has a natural talent for shifting perspectives to meet people on their level to explain and discuss complex problems. It is a superpower both as a consultant and a colleague.

Skills and interests

  • Raised in C++ and did mobile development before it was a thing.

  • Published and is active in open-source projects.

  • Worked as a consultant all my life.

  • Master of Science in Software Engineering.

  • Fought well and hard but finally caved in and started collecting vinyl records.

Markus Eliasson

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