Lotta Nilsson

Lotta Nilsson


  • What’s something about factor10 culture that makes a real difference in your day-to-day?

    I have heard customers stating that “working with f10 is a true peace of mind feeling. If I have a problem I know that they will sort that out for me, I don’t have to lose sleep over it”. That sums up my feelings about the company. I know that no matter what situation I run into they will all support and help out if needed. It is the we and the result that is important, not the I. Of course all companies want this culture but I have rarely come across it in reality.

  • You’ve been invited to give the keynote at your dream conference. What’s the title of your talk, and why?

    The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new – Socrates

    Change management might sound really boring but for a project to be successful you really must have the users and the organisation with you. Without them, you could spend a lot of time and effort on a solution that gets replaced by something the informal leaders within the organisation feel more secure with. “Not invented here” is a very strong protection mechanism.

  • What’s the best feedback you’ve received from a client or teammate?

    Well I would say it would be something that was not said to me in person but that somebody passed on. He overheard some of my old colleagues being a bit frustrated about progress and said “well if Lotta was here then we would know for sure that things would have been done”.

  • How do you recharge after a busy day?

    By sticking my fingers into well composed soil, planting small seeds and seeing them turn into wonderful flowers or something to eat. This is my way to find balance and energy.

Lotta Nilsson