Dino Opijac

Dino Opijac


  • How has factor10 changed the way you think about software?

    The first feature idea is often good, but rarely the best. Delivering in small steps helps me adapt quickly and refine as I go. Being surrounded by people who embrace TDD has made a big difference for me - it’s seen as a safety net for both the client and us, allowing us to experiment and improve without breaking things. At the end of the day, I can rest easy knowing that the tests pass!

  • What’s something about factor10 culture that makes a real difference in your day-to-day?

    Trust and autonomy. There is no micromanagement - everyone takes ownership. Living in the Swedish archipelago with my wife and dog, I appreciate not losing time commuting. Instead, I can focus on writing code or getting a fresh perspective away from the screen.

  • What’s the best feedback you’ve received from a client or teammate?

    “Wow, how do you know all this?!” A client kept needing different expertise - first one thing, then another, then something completely different. Each time I could step in. Specialization is valuable, but broad knowledge opens doors. If a person invented something, then with a little curiosity and effort, I can figure it out.

  • What made you realize factor10 was the right place for you?

    Nothing here happens by chance. The way we split our time and decide what to focus on is intentional. I get to balance client work with personal development, which makes me going and growing!

  • Who has a secret talent, and what is it?

    Markus has perfect comedic timing. His witty sense of humor always hits just right. Meanwhile, I’m still out here “workshopping” my punchlines.

Dino Opijac