Scenery of a lake from a high ground

Sustainable websites

High-performance, high-integrity, no-fuzz.

Let's fix the web!

The world wide web is ingeniously simple in its essence. Unfortunately, over time, humanity has messed it up with bloated technology, slow interfaces, and integrity-invasive ambitions to collect information about us, the users.

Do you remember when creating and launching a website took days, not months? When the message was front and center, and the user was the hero? When websites loaded in sub-seconds and when websites respected your privacy. We can make that happen again. Let's fix the web!

The offering

Sustainable websites is our website offering. You get a no-fuzz, fast-paced project, in close collaboration with a tiny team. You will get a launch-ready website with no compromises on usability, accessibility, search engine optimization or performance. No contractual, financial, or technical dead-ends. When ready, you can let us host, maintain and develop the website, or you can manage it on your own.

Quick and easy

We like to keep it simple and genuinely agile: define the ambition, set up a base, prioritize and code, design, and implement content simultaneously. We make your new website go live in weeks, not months.

Measurable quality

What do we mean by measurable quality? Accessibility, search engine optimization, best practices, and performance, as defined by Google PageSpeed Insights. But we also add aspects such as usability, security, technical and environmental sustainability, and scalability.

Security, integrity, and legality

Sustainable websites, are hosted in Europe. We don't have third-party technology tracking users and we don't store unnecessary cookies on users' devices. When others consider GDPR as an obstacle, we’re privacy-first and take the integrity of users and your business seriously.

Close collaboration

We offer a small team working directly with you in a straightforward process. We apply the five agile principles of Extreme Programming in our working methods: communication, simplicity, feedback, courage, and respect.

Sustainable tech

Sustainable websites, are low-tech. This means we use the most straightforward possible technology for the purpose. Pages are static for the best performance, functionality is balanced between generic and specific solutions. We use a simple and easy-to-use content management system (CMS).

How does it work?

As soon as we agree that you want a Sustainable website, this is what happens:

  1. Technical transparency. We set up a technical environment with version control and monitoring and grant you access immediately. This means that you can follow the progress and always have access to the code we create for you.
  2. Startup-meeting. A two-hour virtual workshop with the team to outline the strategic design of your website. Business goals, users, and the most important use cases are identified. You give feedback!
  3. Concept. A two-hour virtual workshop where we get back to you with a conceptual proposal. It consists of a lo-fi design and guiding principles for the design. You give feedback!
  4. Prototype. You get access to a naked prototype of your website. This version has simple functionality and no graphic design. But it allows us to start setting up navigation and creating content.
  5. Backlog. Design and functionality elements are prioritized in a kanban-style backlog, with the most important ones at the top.


  6. Development. Because of how the prototype is built, we can simultaneously enhance design, functionality, and content. We meet daily for micro planning, problem-solving, and backlog prioritization, all in close collaboration.

  7. Go live. We go live when content, functionality, and design are ready to meet the public! This should be possible for a medium-sized corporate website in four to six weeks. Most often, content, not technology, is the bottleneck.

Let's fix the web together!

Interested? Contact us now to set up a meeting about your new sustainable, high-performance, no-fuzz website!

Jimmy Nilsson

Jimmy Nilsson

CEO and Consultant