Building your own DSL does not have to be hard
The need for different types of computer languages is growing rapidly — luckily it turns out that creating your own Domain Specific Langu...Read more at ↗Git-diffing Excel files, part 2
This post adds some details that are big enough to deserve a separate post. They are: User-level configuration of Excel diffing. How to ...Read more at ↗Nashorn's JSObject in context
The purpose of this article is to explain when the different JSObject methods are called during script execution and in some cases how th...Read more at ↗Bytes do not destroy software — people do
Have you ever come across a poorly written software where you thought to yourself — this has grown out of control!Read more at ↗Docker Multistage Builds
In one of my current projects, we used Create React App to set up a React project.Read more at ↗Get sublime help with git commit messages
A guide for success!Read more at ↗Accessing the Aurelia viewModel from the browser
If you want to accessing the Aurelia viewModel from the browser console have a look at this!Read more at ↗Empty if null – Preventing null infections
In one of our C# codebases, which is predominantly OO, using FP-style list processing often runs into the null problem. Let's have a look.Read more at ↗Copy commits from one git repo to another
If you have done some work in one (or more) repos, that you want to transfer into a different target repo. Could you also copy the commit...Read more at ↗