Team Feed

Thoughts from the team

  1. Markus Eliasson
    Markus Eliasson

    Best practices for ScalaTest

    Writing clear, consice and maintainable tests can be quite challenging. Following the practices discussed here will hopefully help you ac...
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  2. Jimmy Nilsson
    Jimmy Nilsson

    What really matters, second suggestion

    Second suggestion for what really matters for creating better outcomes by really working together.
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  3. Jimmy Nilsson
    Jimmy Nilsson

    What really matters, first suggestion

    First suggestion for what really matters for creating better outcomes by really working together.
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  4. Jimmy Nilsson
    Jimmy Nilsson

    What really matters, first suggestion

    Suggestions for better outcomes by really working together.
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  5. Martin Hellspong
    Martin Hellspong

    Scala 3: Returning implicit function literals

    When I recently looked at implicit functions in Scala 3 (still only available as a pre-release compiler codenamed ‘Dotty’) I had some que...
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  6. Martin Hellspong
    Martin Hellspong

    Implicit Functions in Scala 3

    One of the many new things in Scala 3 (still only available as a pre-release compiler codenamed ‘Dotty’) is the ability to define implici...
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  7. Markus Eliasson
    Markus Eliasson

    Building a parser for Sequence

    Now that we have defined what we want the Sequence language to look like, we need to formalize this in a grammar and build a parser to pa...
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  8. Markus Eliasson
    Markus Eliasson

    Defining the Sequence language

    Even a tiny language as Sequnce requires a careful and iterative process, you need to consider both the semantics and the synatax.
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  9. Per Rovegård
    Per Rovegård

    TDD and prototyping—a love story?

    How can you write tests when you don’t know which code you need to write?
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