According to the UN, the carbon footprint of the global IT industry is actually on par with the aviation sector, accounting for 2-3% of global emissions. Reducing the carbon impact of software is a fight worth taking in the war on climate change.

Are we witnessing the dawn of a transformative trend? It's too early to tell, but the signs are promising. Developers and organizations around the world are starting to recognize the environmental cost of their digital creations. The conversation is no longer just about speedy software; it's about creating digital experiences that are kind to the planet.

Portrait of Jimmy Nilsson

For a long time, software optimization has been synonymous with performance and cost savings. Just a few years ago, talk about reducing the carbon footprint was unheard of in our business. Then, slowly, it became a welcomed side effect you could highlight in your sustainability report. But now something seems to have shifted. In the last couple of months, we’ve been getting inquiries from customers where reducing CO2 emissions is listed among their primary goals.

– Jimmy Nilsson, CEO and consultant at factor10.

In conclusion, the push to reduce CO2 emissions in software development is gaining momentum. It's no longer just a fringe concern; it's becoming a central focus. As developers, we have a crucial role to play. By making conscious choices and optimizing our code, we can contribute to a more sustainable digital future.

If this is a new trend we are witnessing, let's build upon it and move in the right direction. The software community has paved the way for other industries before, and we can, once again, lead by example. As developers, let's continue to write astonishing software that creates value for the business and its users. But let's also write code that is kind – or at least not harmful – to the planet.

Have you seen signs of increased interest in software with minimized climate impact in your working context? Let's share examples and engage in conversations about it within the community of coders and with people outside it. That's how trends are fueled.

Photo by Shelby Miller on Unsplash.