""we have great feedback loops!", they say. But when I dive into their feedback loops, it's only the first half of the circle. They're showing something but not really getting any feedback. And even if they get feedback, they don't always listen and adapt to it. So, what I'm doing is I'm finalizing those feedback loops for them!

says Aino, about being an independent consultant, and asking her clients about their feedback loops.

Aino gave a talk about feedback and retrospectives at myConf 2023. The talk was named "Maximizing Value by Minimizing Repeated Failure" and was an insightful and handy guide to the importance of feedback in order to improve.

Watch the video: Maximizing Value by Minimizing Repeated Failure – Aino Vonge Corry at myConf 2023

Maximizing Value by Minimizing Repeated Failure – Aino Vonge Corry at myConf 2023

Read more about the talk at myconf.io: Speaker announcement: Aino Vonge Corry.

A commonly repeated topic in agile organizations is the proper recurrency and length of retrospectives. Aino sends a clear message: for a team of 7-10 people, it takes about 1.5 hours every 2-3 weeks. And – who would've imagined - it is not a sign of team maturity to perform retrospectives in fifteen minutes.

How she motivates that statement?

A retrospective takes time because it's not a machine we're working with. It's people's brains. We can't optimize how long it takes for people to think about things that are problematic or good. To think about what's causing problems, to get their courage together to share it or to think about how to change it. Some things take time!

Want more from myConf? This is the first article in a series of eight articles where we present recordings from all talks at myConf 2023.